Friday, May 2, 2014

Project Butterfly: 4dp6dt

Yesterday was the day from hell.  We had terrible rain storms all day Wednesday well into the night.  Thursday morning we headed out, got our breakfast as usual, and headed down our usual route.  Our town is very small and there are only four roads that come in and out.  The usual road we take was closed off so we had to turn around and head out through the woods route.  Cue the standstill traffic.  It took 40 minutes to go a 1/2 mile.  Once we cleared that mess we headed to the back roads to avoid the building traffic on the main roads.  As we're driving down a windy back road there was a loud pop as one of the rear tires blew out.  Awesome.

Luckily we have AAA, though it was difficult to give them directions to our back road location.  It was past 8 am at this point and it would be an hour and a half before AAA got to us.  Fantastic.  At 9:30 our hero arrived and was able to get the tire replaced with the donut fairly quickly.  We headed back home to eat our cold breakfast and switch cars.  We didn't get to work until 11.

For the rest of the day I felt like absolute crap.  We had dinner plans with Dave's folks that night and had to rush to catch up on work.  Thankfully the end of the work day arrived without a melt down and we headed north for dinner.  Dinner was uneventful and we made our way home.  Finally able to relax we both collapsed onto the couch and caught up on our shows.  

Today I am 4 day past 6 day transfer, aka 10dpo.  I'm feeling much better and optimistic.  The plan is to start testing tomorrow with wondfos (cheap HPTs), but I may cave and try one tonight.

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