Friday, November 8, 2013


That's how many active BCPs I have left to go.  It seems like this month is just dragging, I really wish there was some sort of shortcut to take.

Tonight I'm getting my hair dyed, it is looking incredibly sad with all the grays sprouting up.  I predict that I could let my hair grow out completely silver gray within in the next five years.  Would I be brave enough to do it?  Probably not.  My stylist is always excited to color my hair since I'll take chances, usually drifting into red territory.  They recently got some new colors, a few being in the beautiful auburn range.  I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Our kitchen remodel is about a month away.  With us going on a few trips in the coming weeks this weekend is going to dedicated to cleaning out the second bedroom.  It will be used as kitchen storage.  It always makes me a bit sad to do things with that room that aren't nursery related.  The silver lining I'm taking away from it is that we'll be clearing a lot of junk out of that room.  Hopefully it doesn't migrate back in there after the kitchen is done.


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