Thursday, September 26, 2013

Make or break

Surprisingly my period started on it's own Tuesday evening.  It's the usual wonky post-anovulatory cycle bleeding and has pretty much disappeared by this morning.  I got the 6:40 slot this morning so Dave and I were out the door very early.  Of course the office was locked up when we got there at 6:30, when they are supposed to open, but the nurse let us in around 6:35.  

The ultrasound was fairly quick.  The tech had no problem finding my right ovary this time.  The techs don't give results, but she wished me luck as I was leaving.  I'm hoping that is a good sign.  Having blood taken was its usual adventure.  Luckily the nurse is very familiar with my troll veins at this point and was able to get enough.  I won't know the results until this afternoon.  Should everything come back okay I'll start my meds tonight.

For this cycle I'll be taking 25mg Clomid for five days.  Dr. S wants to give this a try first since I responded so well follicle wise to the 50mg.  Should I have problems with cysts again then we will be moving on, most likely to injects.  This will also be our first IUI cycle which I'm very excited for.  To time the IUI correctly I will take a trigger shot when my follicle(s) is/are ready to go.  

If this cycle gets cancelled I will be a wreck.  Getting pregnant before November seems like such a long shot already.  If we were to be cancelled again it becomes pretty much impossible.  Of course my hopeful side is trying to be encouraging.  My birthday is in about three weeks, possibly near the end of a two week wait if I respond quickly again.  That's what I want for my birthday universe, to find out I'm pregnant with our rainbow baby.  Please make it happen.  Pretty please?  With sugar on top?    

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